In Memory of John Roth
CCFT mourns the loss of longtime CCUSD teacher, Mr. John Roth. Mr. Roth was a special education teacher, teaching special day class and multiple social studies subjects. Mr. Roth had 40 years in education and taught 34 years in the district, first at Farragut Elementary and then for the last 30 years at CCHS. In addition to his dedication to students, Mr. Roth loved photography, outdoors activities and especially collecting historical artifacts, which he would show often to his students and colleagues. Mr. Roth was an outstanding educator and wonderful colleague and will be truly missed.
On behalf of CCFT, I wish you a Happy Holiday season and a fantastic winter break! Here are a few updates:
Social Security Fairness Act
The Senate took a procedural vote (73-27) to close debate on the bill and bring it to a full vote of the Senate. We are expecting a final vote today and if passed, President Biden is expected to sign. This would eliminate a provision that reduced the amount public employees received in social security benefits if they received a public pension like STRS or PERS. Thank you to all of you who took time to write or call in to our Senators
Strikes Against Amazon, Starbucks and Kaiser
AFL-CIO have asked their affiliates (which we are one) to remind members to not cross picket lines and avoid Starbucks and Amazon this holiday season. Kaiser Permanente has still not settled with its mental health workers. If you would like to join a picket line against KP you can at the West LA medical Center on Cadillac any Thursday from 8am-2pm this break.
CCFT Negotiations
We return to the table in January. We anticipate the district sending their calendar survey to the community after the break and hope to have the calendar wrapped up by the end of January. CCUSD's finances will be tough this year, we are waiting to see what the proposed COLA will be in the Governor's budget in January. More information to come.
Have a great break and Happy Holidays!
Ray Long
CCFT President
Help Luisa Recover from Paralysis Caused by Guillain Barr
Luisa Martinez Miguez, is a dedicated and beloved Spanish teacher at Culver City Middle School and a cherished member of her community. She has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare and potentially life-threatening autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system. Please consider donating to the Go Fund Me below
We are happy to report that both CCFT endorsed candidates Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman were elected to the school board and Measure O passed with an 83% yes vote, which was the highest parcel tax or bond yes vote in LA County and was 8% higher than the original Measure K.
Thank you to all of those who helped in the campaigns whether through canvassing, postcards, social media or just overall support for our candidates and measure. Including Mr. Guerreo there are now three CCFT-endorsed candidates on the Board of Education.
Passage of Measure O Vital to CCUSD
The below letter was submitted to the Culver City Crossroads,
Dear Editor,
With less than a week until the election, I wanted to take the time to address the very important school board and parcel tax measure elections here in Culver City. As many focus on a very important national race, the interesting, important & confusing ballot propositions and a hot city council race, please let us not forget about two very important down ballot races.
After two weekends of canvassing for CCFT’s endorsed candidates and Measure O in addition to seeing a few mailers people have shared with me and the bombardment of social media posts, I am disappointed to say there is certainly a lot of misinformation out there in the community. At the last Board of Education meeting, I spoke about these misinformation and whisper campaigns that I hear about both canvassing and that I am seeing pop up in various social media spaces.
All three candidates running for school board are parents who I beleive are running with the absolute best intentions to make CCUSD schools the best public schools in our area. I have had great conversations with all three candidates and I don’t see any of them using this office as a way to push their own personal agendas, politicize the office or springboard it into a better political career. I think all three see a golden opportunity with solid new leadership under Dr. Lucas to finally steer the ship on the right course because it has been headed toward the iceberg for quite some time. In this election, CCFT is supporting Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman. We feel these are the candidates who best understand the issues facing CCUSD right now. They understand why the staff morale is so low. They understand why there are trust issues with the community. Lindsay and Andrew for over a year and a half have been listening in on board meetings, speaking to staff and speaking to the community. Both Lindsay and Andrew have been part of parent organizations at their schools sites, both participated in the bond feasibility groups, both supported the bond but also understood the union’s position of wanting to wait until the fall election to gather more support.
What the district and board needs now are board members who will hold the district accountable. This is a must and there is nothing wrong with wanting accountability. For far too long that did not happen. We also do not need people who will always agree. Respectful disagreement and dissent are healthy ingredients to any democracy. One of the things I most admired about former board members Dr. Tashon McKeithan and Ms. Summer McBride was the fact they asked the tough questions, did not always agree with the majority and were not afraid to make a vote 4-1 or 3-2. Mr. Brian Guerreo has also shown that same principle when he voted against a budget in a 4-1 vote because it did not meet the 55% threshold for in classroom spending at the time. McKeithan, McBride and Guerrero were not obstructionists but were upholding their duty to question something when it seems wrong and this is why they received wide praise from our members. Ms. Carlson and Mr. Lachman have continually proven to us in their campaigning that they believe in accountability and will be there for both students, families and staff and truly understand that staff working conditions are student learning conditions.
The renewal of the CCUSD parcel tax, now known as Measure O is also vital to CCUSD and the new Board. Measure O is not a new tax as some have falsely claimed but simply an eight year extension of the current $189 parcel tax that brings in roughly $2.5 million to the CCUSD general fund. It has wide support from all five sitting city council and board members, every candidate running for city council or school board, both CCUSD employee unions, the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, both local Democratic clubs, LA County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO and the California Federation of Labor Unions, AFL-CIO. It has two wonderful chairpeople Meredith Johnson and Mila Moraga-Holz working hard everyday for its passage. Although it has no organized opposition, what we need to worry about is complacency. Let’s not assume because it has so much broad support that it is a slam dunk. Many of the people who talked up a storm on the bond measure have been largely silent on Measure O and that needs to change over this last weekend. Please be sure to support Measure O.
We urge the voters in Culver City to support their teachers, school counselors, school nurses, program specialists, and inclusion facilitators, as well as LA County and California Labor Unions by voting for Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman for Culver City School Board and Yes on Measure O!
Thank You,
Ray Long
President, Culver City Federation of Teachers
AFT Local 1343, AFL-CIO
We mourn the passing of two of our CCFT family.
Dr. Antoinette “Toni” Fournier was a CCUSD teacher for 33 years, teaching French at CCHS and was the coordinator of the district’s new teacher BTSA/Induction program. Toni touched so many students and staff in CCUSD, especially serving as a mentor to so many of our new teachers. Our deepest condolences to her son Anthony, who is a CCHS teacher, family and friends.
Ms. Betty Dávila was an 18 year veteran teacher who had taught Spanish at CCHS since 2018. Betty was an outstanding teacher who made such a positive impact on the lives of so many Culver City students and staff. She was a tremendously positive person, who had a true passion for teaching. Our most sincere condolences to her friends and family.
Both Toni and Betty were also wonderful CCFT members and will be remembered for their outstanding, positive careers in Culver City.
Ms. Betty Dávila
Dr. Antoinette “Toni” Fournier
Dear Community,
The Culver City Federation of Teachers had the privilege of attending campaign kick off events for our two endorsed CCUSD school board candidates Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman.
At Ms. Carlson’s event, I was able to remark how Lindsay has been a community member that for over the past year has spoken out about the district’s use of non-union outside contracts and rallied with our teachers and counselors to bring an end to outside contracts. Lindsay supported our push for fair compensation and has been an advocate for staff and students. Ms. Carlson spoke to her supporters about the importance of seeing much needed improvement to the district, especially rebuilding trust with staff and the community, using our Measure E bond money wisely and passing Measure O.
At Mr. Lachman’s event, Board Member Brian Guerrero remarked at Andrew’s involvement in numerous district committees including the LCAP and canvassing for Measure E. Vice-Mayor Dan O’Brien remarked how Lachman is a bridge builder in the Culver City community. I both spoke about how Andrew agrees the district should not outsource union jobs in CCUSD and we need to take the politics out of the school board! Andrew also urged supporters to pass Measure O.
Both events were excellent kickoffs for two outstanding candidates. Culver City needs candidates who have been involved with what has been going on within our district and both have been actively talking to staff, the unions, parents and the community.
Culver City Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers and the only AFL-CIO affiliate in the City of Culver City and represents over 400 teachers, school counselors, school nurses, program specialists and inclusion specialists in CCUSD. CCFT endorsed both Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman for school board and we hope the community joins with their teachers, school counselors, program/inclusion specialists and nurses!
Ray Long
President, Culver City Federation of Teachers
CCFT mourns the loss of longtime El Rincon Elementary teacher Marshanne Kendrick-Love. Marshanne was a devoted teacher who brought joy and a great education to so many El Rincon Rockets. Marshanne’s family has set up a Go Fund Me page if anyone would like to donate. Our deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.
CCFT Board of Education Endorsements
We are proud to announce that CCFT will be endorsing Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman for CCUSD School
Board. We thank all the candidates who participated in our meet and greet and endorsement interviews.
Thank you to our political action committee and all members who gave us feedback.
Board of Education Candidate Interviews
Dear Members,
Below is the link to the Political Action Committee's interviews with Board of Education candidates. Please email Ray Long or Pam Greenstein if you would like to give your feedback to the committee on the candidates.
Thank You
Ray Long -
Pam Greenstein -
Video Link to Interviews
Update - Breakdown in Bargaining
On the advice of our CFT Field Rep, our bargaining session had to abruptly end today when the district engaged in bad faith bargaining.
CCFT had asked for (3) additional days of release time for our SDC teachers and (5) additional days for RSP/SAI teachers. The district countered with (0) extra days for SDC and (2) days for RSP/SAI. CCFT also asked that our Elementary RSP teachers be allowed to use Wednesday for making up IEP service meetings, writing IEPS in addition to providing normal service minutes. This is currently a practice already. The district rejected the Wednesday language. Then CCUSD decided to also take back the (2) days for RSP teachers they had put in their offer.
Under the law this is regressive bargaining which is an unfair labor practice. We will begin working with CFT and their lawyers on a potential charge against CCUSD.
In addition the district offered zero money toward salary and benefits, stating they still had to analyze our offer, despite us giving them our proposal a month ago. While we understand there is a limited budget from the state, the COLA is still 1.07%. The district also continues to deficit spend, while ignoring the financial need of their employees.
We also asked that Wednesday activities end by 3:45pm, a simple ask in a time where teachers are overworked and morale is low. The district will not agree to dismissing staff at 3:45, wanting us to work a longer day than we do on normal days.
We also asked that Wednesday District PD be reduced to no more than (5) days, with the district being able to add (2) days if directed by the State or Board of Education. CCUSD would not even agree to that.
We opened bargaining on November 28th of this year. We had an offer, were well prepared and the district has strung us along for 6 months, with only a few minor agreements.
We plan to have some rallies in the next two weeks. I do understand we are close to the end of the year, but we need to send a message loud and clear to CCUSD.
I encourage you to talk to parents and friends about how CCUSD is treating their teachers. I encourage you to take to social media, write letters to elected officials, especially our Board of Education and spread the word that the district continues to overspend and does not want to take care of their staff. We will plan rallies soon! Keep an eye on our Website and Social Media for more information,
In solidarity,
Ray Long
CCFT President
CCFT would like to congratulate all of the recipients of Teacher of the Year as well as the Classified Employees of the Year for 2023-2024
News & Updates
CCFT Teachers of the Year
ACE Employees of the Year
Meet the Potential Board of Education Candidates
Culver City Federation of Teachers and the Association of Classified Employees announce a joint General Membership meeting on Thursday, May 30th from 4-530pm in the CCHS/CCMS Multipurpose Room (MPR). We are inviting all declared and potential candidates for the Culver City Unified Board of Education election this fall. This is an opportunity for candidates to introduce themselves to our members and to take questions. This event is not sponsored nor endorsed by Culver City Unified School District. We ask that no campaign fliers or literature be handed out at this event. This event is open to all CCFT and ACE members and all declared or potential candidates for the CCUSD Board of Education. For more information you can contact CCFT president Ray Long at, Pamela Greenstein, CCFT political chair at , Debbie Hamme, ACE president at
In Memory of Mr. Jeff Glenn
We mourn the passing of Culver City Middle School teacher, Mr. Jeff Glenn. Mr. Glenn taught English-Language Arts and had previously taught in the Special Education Department. Mr. Glenn was also an active CCFT member serving the union on the Educational Services Labor-Management Partnership. Mr. Glenn was a dedicated teacher who deeply cared for his students and the CCMS community. He will be greatly missed.
Shout Out!
To our CCFT Middle School site representatives and partnership who provided donuts for the staff to thank them for a fantastic Open House. Great job Ms. Madrid, Ms. Montealvo, Ms. Moore and Ms. Slemmons-Romero (not pictured because she was setting up for the College and Career Fair)
CCFT Would Like to Congratulate:
Mr. Aaron Mendelson
Mr. Mendelson was awarded the Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium Innovation Award for his use of flipped learning and student empowerment.
Mr. Bradley Wheeler
Mr. Wheeler was awarded the Los Angeles Regional Adult Consortium Award for his use of innovation and kinesthetic language learning.
Dr. Kim Young
Dr. Young was awarded the California Council of Social Studies 2024 Educator Award for Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice.
Spring Break Update 2024 From President Ray Long
On behalf of the Culver City Federation of Teachers and our national and state organizations, AFT, CFT and AFL-CIO, I would like to wish you all a restful spring break!!
Union T-Shirts
Every site should have received an email with a spreadsheet for sizes for union t-shirts. Please let me know if you did not receive the email or were not on a list. We hope to have sizes collected when we come back from break so we can place the order.
The teams are currently working on Article 25 around hours of work and early release Wednesdays. We have also proposed a retirement incentive and have asked the district to put on a retirement workshop. We are waiting for a clearer picture from the state budget before going into salary and benefits
Facilities Bond
The Measure E facilities bond was approved by Culver City voters. We would again like to thank all of you who participated in our surveys and with on-site meetings with the union and Superintendent. We also thank board members Guerrero and Loredo who really engaged with staff at these meetings and at our CCFT meetings. One thing we have made clear to the district is many of our members feel they did not have enough of a voice in the bond proposal and there were issues with trust. We want to work closely with the Superintendent of the creation of bond advisory groups at each site. We will continue to advocate that our members have a voice in how the bond is spent. We will also push back on recent comments made at a board meeting that made it seem that labor and the district have had ongoing discussions about a facilities bond. Labor has always stated that facilities are in need of repair and pushed back when things like housing were being discussed instead of facilities. However as a union we feel much more could have been done in the lead up to the bond. We look forward to working with the district to make sure we have top notch facilities in CCUSD.
Our next union meeting will be Tuesday, April 9th at 4:00pm. Details will be emailed after break. Follow us on Facebook, X and YouTube.
Ray Long
CCFT President
Check out this family friendly, community event sponsored by a fellow AFL-CIO affiliate and co-sponsored by AFT, CFT and the LA County Federation of Labor,
Dear Members: A Message from Ray Long and Debbie Hamme - CCFT and ACE Presidents
Thank you to all of you that responded to the survey around endorsement of the Measure E facilities bond. We had 335 total respondents.
Based on the majority of the respondents (54%), CCFT and ACE will take a neutral position on the facilities bond.
Thank you to all who gave comments. We would like to share some of the recurring comments that our unions noticed. Many of these are similar to comments made in meetings that Ray Long (CCFT President) and Lauren Jagnow (ACE representative) attended and recent engagement sessions with Dr. Lucas, Dr. Poulin and some board members.
These are the most common or recurring themes:
- Lack of trust that the money will be spent on projects that will benefit staff and students
- Too rushed of a process, should have waited until November to build support and finalize plans
- Current plans were confusing, they need updating with much more staff input
- Lack of trust in some members of the board of education
- The bond is needed, but plans don't seem like enough, they need to be redone
- District should redo this plan the right way and put it on another ballot
- District has historically wasted money and continues to waste money
We thank you all for your input. We will put out statements on CCFT's Social Media and send a letter to Culver City Crossroads and both union presidents will include this in their comments at the next board meeting.
Ultimately if voters in Culver City do approve the bond both CCFT and ACE will commit to continuing to work with the district to create an environment where all voices are included and heard.
Happy National School Counseling Week
CCFT is thankful for each and every one of our outstanding counselors.
Ms. Meredith Johnson and Ms. Mila Moraga Holz from the "Yes on E" campaign will be joining us to discuses the upcoming facilities bond at our February 6th General Membership Meeting.
Ms. Stephanie Loredo of the CCUSD Board of Education will also join us at our General Meeting.
Members check your email for a Zoom link or email
In 2019 an independent agency did a staffing audit of Culver City Schools. This audit found that in many categories CCUSD was "top heavy" meaning it had more district level and administrative positions than other districts of similar sizes. Specifically it was noted CCUSD was top heavy in the Educational Services and Superintendents Departments. Since then six new administrative positions have been added - some to each of these departments, making the district even more top heavy. Faced with upcoming budget cuts it is important for the staff and community to be aware of these positions. The full report can be found below- major findings and summary can be found on pages 8-13 :
Mr. Brian Guerrero of the CCUSD Board of Education will be joining us on Tuesday, January 8th at our monthly CCFT meeting to discuss the upcoming facilities bond and to take questions from our executive board and members. The meeting begins at 4:00pm. Members, check your email for a zoom link or email
Happy New Year!
As 2023 comes to a close we wanted to appreciate how grateful we are for members of the community who came out in force to support us this year, Board Member Loredo who pushed for us to have more of a voice in the Superintendent search, Board Member Guerrero who pushed back against wasteful personnel, contracts and spending, Interim Superintendents Keller and Poulin for steering us in the right direction and our sibling union ACE who was with us all the way for this wild ride in 2023.
We also want to give a tremendous thanks to our members who rallied for fair compensation and spoke out against ridiculously expensive outside contracts!
Proudly affiliated with AFT - American Federation of Teachers, CFT - A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals, AFL-CIO, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
From CCFT President - Ray Long
Dec. 15, 2023
Dear Members:
First of behalf of CCFT, I would like to wish you all a restful vacation and holiday season, only (5) days until break. We also welcomed at the last board meeting Dr. Brian Lucas who will begin work as our new Superintendent in January. Dr. Maria Martinez-Poulin, will stay on as interim Superintendent through the end of January to help transition.
Facilities Bond
CCFT and ACE heard a clear message in our bond survey that there is a serious lack of trust around supporting the bond between our members, the district, and especially the Board of Education.
To help rebuild trust, I have asked the interim Superintendent to do the following:
1. Bring blue prints, plans, and phases out to each site on a Wednesday in lieu of a District PD day to allow staff to given genuine feedback on what needs to be done with bond money if the bond passes. Those can be found here in the meantime:
2. Bring out members of the Board of Education to school sites on a Wednesday to hear directly from staff. We ask that you speak up and voice your concerns. At least three Board Members continually try to "gloss over" the trust and morale issues we are facing, saying they don't understand why staff is upset. Let them know! Dr. Poulin has agreed to this and there has already been a visit to one school site and staff were very open and honest about their frustrations with the Board.
Bargaining Update
Our team met with the district team to begin to discuss Article 25, hours of work. One of our goals is to update and remove outdated language around Wednesday PLC days, make procedures more uniform around CCUSD and limit District PLC in favor of teacher led PLC.
We know that CCUSD has been deficit spending as much of the COVID one-time funding has been expiring and many of those programs have continued. There is also a lot of money being spent on outside consultants and agencies causing issues as well. We are all still waiting for the Governor's budget to be released in January but the state budget looks grim at this time.
Board Leadership
At Tuesday's Board Meeting Dr. Kelly Kent was selected as Board President by a 3-2 vote. Mr. Brian Guerrero and Ms. Stephanie Loredo were the two members that did not vote for Dr. Kent with Ms. Paula Amezola, Mr. Tristen Ezidore and Dr. Kent voting in favor. Mr. Ezidore nominated Dr. Kent for the position of Board President.
TK-K note
To our TK and K teacher,s we are working with CFT, our state union on an issue that was recently brought to our attention. We will update site reps with more information. Once again we see a situation where the district has tried to make a unilateral decision without input from teachers or the union.
Web Site & Social Media
We expect to launch our new CCFT Website in the next week and as always please follow us on Social Media
Subscribe to our YouTube channel
Please like and follow us on Facebook
Follow us on X (Twitter)
or follow us @ccft1343
Have a wonderful holiday and break! One week to go!
Ray Long
CCFT President
US History Teacher
Culver City High School